The dormakaba (formerly known as Dorma) BTS80 Floor-Concealed Spring Door Closer offers adaptability to almost any installation. Thanks to the closer's compact body, the BTS80 can be used where large...
The dormakaba (formerly known as Dorma) BTS75V is a highly adaptable hold open floor spring suitable for all doors with widths up to 1100 mm and up to 120 kg leaf weight. Thanks to the floor spring's...
Cover Plate specifically designed to suit the dormakaba (formerly known as Dorma) BTS75V Floor Spring Door Closer, this cover plate comes with a screw pack.
Cover Plate specifically designed to suit the dormakaba (formerly known as Dorma) BTS80 Floor Spring Door Closer, this cover plate comes with a screw pack.
The BTS80F range of concealed door closers from dormakaba (formerly known as Dorma) offers a discreet, highly adaptable door closer that is suitable for use on fire and smoke check doors. Available i...